
Recipe > 素菜 > Stuffed Tomatoes with Assorted Mushroom 
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    Stuffed Tomatoes with Assorted Mushroom   

4 fresh tomatoes 3 tbsp bacon
1/2 onion 1 pack of assorted mushroom
some Grated cheese 

1 tsp chicken powder 2 tsp sugar
1 tsp salt 


Cooking Method
1.Diced onions; cut mushrooms into slices; cut half the tomato and take out the tomato meat and set aside for use.
2.Preheat oven into 200oC for 10 minutes
3.Heat 1/2 tsp olive oil, stir fry onion, bacon, mushrooms, tomato meat and seasonings. Add in 1 tbsp cornstarch water, remove from heat and set aside to cold.
4.Pat some cornstarch on tomato cup, stuff with stuffing and sprinkle with some grated cheese, bake for 10 mins until cheese turns golden brown. Serve

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