
Recipe > 海鮮 > Cold Sweet and Sour Vermicelli Sheet 
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    Cold Sweet and Sour Vermicelli Sheet   

12 pcs of shelled medium shrimps 150 grams of squid
2 sheets of Fresh Vermicelli 1/4 pc onion
1 tsp of chopped shallot 1 tsp of chopped garlic
1 tsp chili bean sauce 1 tsp dried red chili

150 ml water 1 tbsp white vinegar
1 tbsp ketchup 1 tbsp sugar
2 tsp Chicken Powder 2 tsp Liquid Seasoning
1/2 tsp Salt 


Cooking Method
1.Cut squid in rings, diced onions, Sliced vermicelli sheet
2.Blanch shrimp, squid and vermicelli sheet in boiling water. Put vermicelli sheets on plate
3.Sautee onion, dried red chili, shallot, garlic and chili bean sauce, add in seasonings until boil. Add in seafood and cook until boil. Remove from heat, pour on top of vermicelli sheet. Set aside to cold and chill, sprinkle with some sesame oil to serve

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