
Recipe > 家畜 > Black Pepper Beef Ribs in Shrimp Paste 
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    Black Pepper Beef Ribs in Shrimp Paste   

1 pound beef flank rib (with some fat )1 tsp sugar
1 tsp water1 stalk spring onion ( sectioned )

1 hot chili ( shredded )2 tsp garlic ( minced )
4 slices ginger ( thin slices )1 tsp black pepper

1/2 tsp sugar1 tbsp corn flour
1/2 tsp shrimp paste cake3 tbsp oil

Cooking Method
1.Rinse beef flank rib, wipe dry, cut into 4 cm slices, marinate for 30 minutes
2.Heat 1 tbsp oil until 80% hot, melt shrimp paste cake over low heat, stir in 1 tsp sugar and 1 tsp water, take out and mix well with seasonings
3.Arrange beef flank rib on a steaming plate, evenly top with seasonings steam for 8 minutes, add spring onion and steam for another 1 minute, serve

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