
Recipe > 小食 > Homemade Pizza 
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    Homemade Pizza   

1 pc of Green Bellpepper 1 can of pineapple chunks
2 pcs of tomatoes 3/2 tsp of baking powder
2 pcs of chicken leg1 cup of grated cheese
3/2 bowl of flour Some Tomato Paste


1 tsp soy sauce 1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar 1 tsp pepper

Cooking Method
1.Skinned and Boned Chicken leg, diced the meat, mix with marinade,stir fry until cooked. Set Aside
2.Wash tomatoes, pineapple chunks and green bellpepper, wipe off excess water and slice tomato to thin slices and bellpepper to strips.
3.Sieve baking power and flour, mix them with 1 bowl of water until it becomes thick liquid and set aside for 15 minutes
4.Use a flat pan, heat some butter, pour in flour mixture and sweep flat, turn to medium heat and fry until you see the bubblesfrom the mixture.
5.Spread some tomato paste on top, sprinkle grated cheese, arrange the other ingredients on top and finally sprinkle some more grated cheese.Cover up and bake-fry for about 8-10 minutes in low heat, until the bottom of the pizza turns golden brown and cheese melted. Serve

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