
Recipe > 飯麵 > Egg Pocket Rice 
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    Egg Pocket Rice   

1/2 pc of chicken leg 1/4 pc of diced onion
4 pcs of diced mushroom 4 pcs of egg
2 bowls of cooked rice 1 tsp of corn starch
1 tbsp of water 

100g ketchup 1 tbsp of white wine
1 tsp of salt 


Cooking Method
1.Remove the skin and bone of chicken leg. Rinse and cut into pieces. Heat 1/2 tbsp olive oil sauté Chicken meat; add in salt, pepper, mushrooms and onion to fry. Add in seasonings and rice, stir well.
2.Beat eggs and add in corn starch and water. Heat pan with oil and pour in egg mixture, cooked until half done, turn off heat.
3.Place fried rice on top of egg. Fold to make it tight, turn on fire and cook until egg is cooked. Place on plate and serve with ketchup.

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